It is no secret that the opening round of Internal League was ran smoother than an All Black backline at a friday captain's practice. I won't lie but we were a little nervous before it all began as things have a tendancy to go pearshaped very quickly but thankfully it all went okay!

The most important thing, however, was the fact that the rugby looked good. Besides a few guys giving evidence that the off season was not one of a very physically demanding nature and the probability that a ball was tossed around during summer is as probable as the Force getting a home semi-final, it was on the whole pretty impressive.
Apart from a few exceptions most games were a contest until the final whistle with most sides claiming the ‘lose within 7’ bonus point. Out of the 4 new sides in both leagues 2 came away with wins but I think they all realized that the level of play required from them is of a high standard. Having said that, the old guard sides definitely had reason to stand up and recognize that some of the new sides have talent to offer.
The introduction of the “Sobhar Shield” has been momentous. A College side that is looking far stronger than it has EVER, was unable to ward off the challenge by the Shebeen Boys who are now the holders going into Round 2. In the A-league, the Barbarians stamped there authority all over the claim to their Shield and it will take some serious play to take it away from them.
The winning sides enjoyed their iced beer and VIP treatment at the kick ass Tequila and Red Bull party at Sobhar afterward. Word on the street is that the bevy of admiring females looking to sponge on the fame of the new Shield holders was larger than the group standing outside Dan Carter’s hotelroom at the Vineyard. That’s got to be worth something!
The season looks to be great! Round 2 is next week on the 3rd May. See you all there.
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