With One round of pool games left before the play-offs the magnitude of what lies at stake isn't far from the magnitude of a Butcher Boys steak..!

Urgent Press Release: Retuers online just minutes ago...
"Rumours are flying about possible spies lurking around the training fields of the Wildboys at their captains practice on sunday at bishops ahead of their crunch encounter against arch rivals, The Purple Cobras. Experienced centre and the 2007 season's biggest transfer from dissolved team Soco Thoco, Dale Owen, was unable to comment, literally unable... Cobra's captain, and sturdy first five eight Warren Butler denied the rumours, however it remains to be seen if the Cobras have the upper hand come set piece time at 8pm tomorrow. Dubbed the do or die game of Group C, this speculation will no doubt stand to add to what will inevitably be a fiery contest from start to finish/death"
To add truth to the rumours amidst tomorrow nights Main Game clash we spoke to Ashfak Mohamed from the Cape Times. Unsurprisingly, he blamed, a lack of transformation as the key reason behind the rumour mill. Thanks Ashfak. We will consult with the 3rd Force to try rectify this.
Unconvinced we spoke to Luke "I pay, I order" Watson whilst he enjoyed his Luke sandwhich (the stormers special with extra ham) and USN shake at Nino's to try get to the bottom of the rumour barrel. He quoted scriptures and referred to himself in the 4th person (I am Luke's Luke) and called the waiter his disciple. We were left disheartened but without the bill, he did order afterall..!
Undeterred we went for the jugular. Straight to the players!
Dale Owen was unavailable as he was involved in some serious Fijian Off Field training methods so we left him alone, and spoke to Hard man Wildboy tight-forward The Big Show. The interview last 45 minutes and all he managed to spill out his mouth, besides T-sauce onto his shirt was, "No comment sir"!
It seems the Fire in the Engine Room, the architect of Wildboys success off field captain Matt Borne has sworn the side to silence, although he was seen in earnest conversation with Eddie Jones this morning in a first year Information Systems tut. Kenrick Brown was also present!
In a last ditch effort we knocked on the doors of the Cobras High Performance Training Center at O'Hagans below Newlands Stadium. (close enough to Sports Science you can feel the rehab). Inside were Cobras masterminds Dougal "They retired my jersey with me' McDonald and Ian "I am kissing a nazi" Armstrong. Both were sprawled over a cocktail table licking up a spilled draught. A lost opportunity some might quip!
But then, Hallelujah a break through. Sports celebrity personality Jordan Jose Biderman-Pam was seeing fighting off an orange sweater clad angel in the reference section of the upper campus library and forced to comment.
Author: Jose, what say you about tomorrows big 8pm show down?
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